
Homeroom: 122B
Phone: (907) 245-5521 ex. 8430

Welcome to Mr. Price's health class website.

This is my third year teaching health at Government Hill Elementary and my 12th year teaching. I look forward to helping students learn more about themselves and what they can do to make good, healthy decisions. My goal is
to get my students to take personal responsibility for their own health through an active, healthy lifestyle and hopefully make a lifelong commitment to wellness.

Tambien hablo espaņol y enseņo a alumnos que vienen de clases de immersion en espaņol.

Parents wishing to help or visit the classroom are more than welcome. You can help as a guest reader, speaker, or all around helper, Research shows that participation by parents in their children's education greatly increases
the motivation of their children. Come help and watch your child learn!

If you would like to contact me for conferences or to ask any questions please feel free to stop by the classroom, call me at 742-5000, or email me at

Looking forward to a great year!
Alex Price