Turning in an Archived Electronic Gradebook - SAHS only! (v 1.1.1)

These procedures are in use at SAHS for the 2009-2010 school year. They are not districtwide procedures. If others would like advice on setting up something like this, please feel free to contact me.

South Anchorage HS has decided to archive gradebooks in an easily searchable, easily created format that is independent of the gradebook program itself, be it Zangle or Easy Grade Pro. This will provide both a backup and a source for the curriculum principal if needed.

Instructions: (big picture outline)

  1. Create / maintain / turn in grades in the normal fashion.
  2. When completely done with grades, "print" your 2nd semester gradebook to a pdf file. (Do *NOT* select 'All Quarters'. That will calculate a single grade for all four quarters!)
  3. Name the pdf file according to the convention shown below.
  4. Turn it in to the Curriculum Principal's drop box.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for attendance.
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 for Semester 1 (semester 1 attendance is only available for yearlong classes)

Detailed instructions

Naming convention:

Please follow these conventions. The principal will be sorting through close to four hundred files. Note that you can Copy and Paste the name from this page to your Save box, or rename them after creation with Copy/Paste.

Note: no spaces, no punctuation except the _ character, the name ends with .pdf extension. (On Dells, if it shows up with the Adobe icon, the extension is there, but hidden.)

If you make corrections to your gradebook, simply repeat this process, but use the new date. The files will sort appropriately.

To Create the reports:

To turn the four! files in:

Go to the Groups folder / Teachers_Info / CurriculumAP and drag the files to the dropbox. Further instructions on the Groups folder are posted. Note that with Macs, you will be told that 'you can't see this, do you want to continue?' You do. With Dells, you can open the folder and see the files, but you can't open any except your own. You must be inside the district firewall to see the Groups folder.

Need assistance? See Pete

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