Zangle - Extra Credit

There are multiple ways of doing extra credit with Zangle. Two make clear logical sense - one can be quite confusing and I do not recommend at this time.

I. Above and beyond on a specific assignment / test

Overload the score with extra points. You will need to click OK that you realize that you are doing this. This makes sense when a student does an exceptional job on an assignment / test that everyone does.

I like this. It makes sense.

II. A whole extra assignment done that others didn't do.

The student did an extra assignment that others did not. Include the assignment under whatever category that makes the most sense. Or even create a new category, but do NOT choose the special Extra Credit Category. You must put some number of points possible (1). It doesn't matter, but if you put in the maximum number of points likely given, you won't have to keep clicking the override button.

When creating the assignment, mark it as Extra Credit (2)

You can leave the grades blank for everyone who has not done it.

I like this. It makes sense.

III. The Extra Credit Category

Be careful with this! Look at it carefully and do not use it unless you understand its ramifications. This is done by adding an extra credit category and then selecting that category for the assignment. Do NOT also check the Extra Credit box for the assignment (see official instructions.) Look at the results below. I found it quite confusing until I read the instructions. I would expect parents and students to find it equally so without a careful explanation.

III. Results of previous step

What happens is that the extra credit is added, but you don't see the points. It is added after the grade is calculated 'normally'. In this case, the student had 5 out of 10 extra credit points for 50% of that grade. But the limit was set at 5% total rise in grade, so he got half of that or 2.5%. I've added a little mini-page with the instructions from the official manual.

I do not support this method.


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