Zangle - troubleshooting: a gazillion points showing

When looking at the grades in the spreadsheet view, some teachers see 'huge' point totals that seem all out of proportion to how they think that they are grading. There is one likely reason for this. It is a serious error and will lead to mis-calculated grades and should not be ignored.

Example: A gazillion points are showing

When you look at your spreadsheet (gradebook), the total points look odd, compared to what you have been entering. This is serious - don't ignore it!

Check your Gradebook Setup - Assignment Categories

These Assignment Categories look like someone said "I want homework to be 20% of the grade, quizzes 30%, etc." But that is not what is there. If yours looks like this, it is most likely in error.

I. If you are grading with total points (the Point Calculation Method - you assign the number of points to an assignment in proportion to how much it is worth), all of these category weights should be 1. (If you mean to weight them differently, you know what you want and shouldn't be reading this!) See the second step below to see the correct version.

II. If you want your categories weighted (20% homework, 30% quizzes), you need to change your Class Options to Percentage Calculation Method and you will see the Percent Weights. See the third step below for the correct version.

[For the record, if all of your category weights are all the same, none of this matters and your grades will stay the same, even though you have the 'gazillion' points showing.]

You might document current grades

Depending on your paranoia level, you might want to save a pdf file with your grades, just to document what is there now. (You will be able to undo what you do when you change the Calculation Method - it's just that you might want a before and after picture.) Instructions on making a backup are posted (Just create a Task Summary Spreadsheet report and save it.)

I. Correct view of Point Calculation Method

I. Correct view of Point Calculation Method
All weights are 1. To change this, you need to go to Gradebook Setup, Assignment Categories, and change the Category Weights.

II. Correct view of Percentage Calculation Method

II. Correct view of Percentage Calculation Method
Note that the % of Grade is shown. (The category weights do not need to add up to 100 - Zangle will figure it out) To convert to this, you need to go to Gradebook Setup, Class Options, and choose Percentage Calculation Method.

Check your grades again

Look at your spreadsheet view again. (not all of the assignments are showing)
In this case the grade changed by 1%. Depending on what you started with, it could change much more, either up or down.


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