Zangle - Post assignments when given?

A brief discussion about possible models for posting assignments.

Will parents see a 'blank screen'?

As we are getting feedback from parents and teachers (and as we start thinking ahead to when the Student Connection will be implemented), teachers are realizing that when parents check the default view of 'Assignments', they may see very little.

When I taught, I did most of my grading on the weekend, not having time until then to do it. With Zangle, if I entered assignments when I entered grades, parents wouldn't see anything happening in my class until Sunday night. (And students wouldn't see what was assigned until then.) With Zangle, I would enter the assignments on the day that I made them.

Post assignments as they are made - but check the 'Not Graded' box

Suggestion: As you make an assignment to the class, at your convenience, put it into Zangle. If you check the Not Graded box, it will show up for parents and students to see, but it will not count in the grade.

Then, when you grade that task, remove the check and you are set to go.


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