Zangle - Change of Quarters

There are some quirks that happen with the change from one quarter to the next., including the possibility of future assignments not showing up. (The first quarter ends on Oct 16, 2009)

Future Assignments don't show up as expected.

Some teachers have attempted to add assignments in the future and found that they don't show up. If you add an assignment in the 2nd quarter, but are only showing the 1st quarter, it won't show up.

Temporary solution: Look under the 2nd quarter (or semester 1).

Permanent solution: Change default setting (see next step)

Gradebook Setup - Teacher Preferences

I would change my Teacher Preferences under Gradebook Setup to launch Semester 1 (or 2). Then I wouldn't have to worry about switching back and forth.

Caveat: I do not know that all of the district classes are set up like this. This should work well for most high school classes. I do not know whether middle school or elementary school classes are set up by quarter or semester. High school PE classes were traditionally done by quarter, but I heard a rumor that they are now semester. So pay attention...


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