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HR's current recruit and hire system, Frontline, is limited, cumbersome, and the vendor is not responsive, which impacts the workflow for hiring managers and ~400 applicants per month. On-boarding processes are still paper and time consuming (~2 hrs per new hire/new hire group. ASD has ~650 new hires annually). HR has an opportunity to switch to another product in the BusinessPlus suite, PowerSchool, that will support integrating with Payroll and Budget and alleviate these issues. The purpose of the project is to implement a new applicant tracking system (PowerSchool) to replace the existing system (Frontline), and assist in redefining work-flows for recruiting and hiring as it relates to the new system. This includes transitioning on-boarding work-flows from paper to electronic, integrating with BusinessPlus and ImageNow, and replacing the existing job board and applicant tracking system with the new system that aligns better with union contract requirements. This will allow talent management staff members to shift their focus from pushing paperwork and re-actively recruiting to pro-actively recruiting, screening applicants (taking the burden off of hiring managers/principals), and conducting a true on-boarding experience for new hires.

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$25,001 - $100,000

Resource Type
  • Website

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  • Staff Use