Class Introduction:

Course Description:
Throughout this year we will be exploring who we are by embarking on a journey of self- discovery that will lead us through many varying genres of literature. On our journey, we will read, analyze, connect to and react to many varying texts. We will be exploring how different literary devices are used by authors, and the affect these devices have on us as readers. This is a literature-based course that many will find challenging but interesting. We will be writing and responding to these varied texts on both an individual and a group basis in a room that is open to all, creating a stress free environment where all have the opportunity to succeed.

Grades will be done using ‘Zangle’ and will be broken down as follows:

100%- 90% = A Assessments = 55% overall grade
89%- 80% = B Homework = 25% overall grade
79%- 70% = C Classwork = 20% overall grade
69%- 60% = D
59%- 0% = F

With each major assignment given throughout the year you will be given a rubric explaining how it will be graded before you begin. With this knowledge, your grade is left in your hands. You will be required to write multiple drafts of each piece, and to work with your peers to improve your pieces before they are handed in to me for a grade.

In order to be successful each student will need the following supplies.
• Paper- this should be in a Language Arts dedicated section of a binder
• Folder
• Pens/ Pencils/ Erasers/ Colored Pencils/ Highlighters
• Thumb Drive

Major Works:
Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
Frankenstein by Mary Shelly