Class Introduction:

Clark Middle School
Instructor: Mr. Sperry
Physical Education- 6th, 7th, 8th Grade

Course Overview:
Physical Education at Clark Middle School is designed to facilitate our students to examine and develop their own personal fitness programs. It is our desire to promote fitness through units, which include individual sports, team sports, and a variety of fitness activities. Through these activities, we hope to help students develop and enjoy lifelong fitness and recreation.

Indoor Activity Clothing:
Students need to be dressed appropriately for physical activity. We require the following:
• A white, navy blue, yellow, or grey plain t-shirt. We will also allow Clark Middle School t-shirts as well (Please have the student’s name marked legibly on the top, left, front)
• Shorts and/or sweats
• Socks and good supporting athletic shoes (laces need to be tied to keep shoes on their feet)—These shoes will get wet and dirty.
• A second P.E. uniform is desired but not required.
*Please make sure all clothing follows CMS dress code policies.

Outdoor Winter Activities:
Please note that we will be outside unless ASD weather policy restricts us from doing so. For winter activities, students MUST have a hat (that covers ears), coat (that zips/buttons), gloves, and extra socks (thick socks that go above the calf for skiing). In the event you prefer to use your own cross-country skiing/ice skating equipment, please make sure all equipment is labeled with the student’s name.

• If you do not dress out, the expectation is that you still participate in all activities asked by your instructor. If safety is a concern, (example: improper shoes) the student will be given an alternative assignment.
• Be Safe, Respectful, and Responsible
Please talk to your teacher about anything that may affect your ability to participate fully in class (i.e. previous injuries, medical conditions, desired accommodations, etc)

Equipment is provided for student’s use. Students are financially responsible for all equipment used during physical education class. Students are not to use equipment without an instructor’s authorization.

Grading - (A 90-100, B 80-89, C 70-79, D 60-69, F below 60%)
Grades will be posted on Zangle, our online attendance and grading program. Students will be evaluated based on:
participation, behavior, attitude, and skill challenges.
Students can earn a possible 10 points per class(20 points on block days) if they are prepared, on time, and participate fully in class activities. If students are tardy (unexcused), then they can earn a maximum of 8 points per class. If students miss class due to an absence, they can make up the missed class points by exercising on their own time following the guidelines on our P.E. Make-Up form located in the gym-they must complete and turn in this paperwork! Please contact me regarding pre-arranged absences or with any information pertinent to your child's performance in class. I believe that with commitment, effort, and a great attitude, each student can earn an "A" in my class!!!

Locker Rooms:
• Students are provided 5 minutes at the beginning and end of class to use the locker room. Locker rooms are designated to be a safe and quiet areas. Please be respectful and use inside voices during this time. Students are expected to use this time for dressing out and using the restroom.
• Locker rooms will be locked during class time and teachers will NOT unlock a door for a student. Students leaving on blue passes in the middle of the class should not dress out and make certain no items have been left in the locker room.

Tardy Policy
The physical education staff will follow Clark Middle School’s tardy policy as stated in the handbook. As already stated, students will lose two points if they arrive to class late.

Attendance Policy
The attendance policy is strictly adhered to in all Physical Education classes. Since P.E. is a participation class, when you do not attend or participate, you do not receive credit (daily points) for that class period. Students must make-up absences that occur during that quarter. All absences, or non-participation for a reason of illness or injury, must be excused with a written note from your doctor, parent or guardian. School related absences are considered excused and must be made up as any other absence. Make-ups are initiated by the student and completed outside of school hours. Make-up forms are available on the white board in the gym. Students can collaborate with his/her teacher to plan appropriate make-up activities.

All students are responsible for their personal and school issued items. Each student will be assigned a locker and a lock once they’ve brought their workout gear. Students are to memorize combinations and locker numbers. Students should NEVER share combinations or store items in another person’s locker. If a lock is lost or stolen, a new lock will be issued and a replacement fee assessed to the student. All other school supplies should be left in their hall locker unless specified by the physical education instructor.

Personal Hygiene
Students need to bring deodorant! It must be non-aerosol and kept in their P.E. locker. P.E. clothes should be taken home at the end of the week, washed, and brought back the next school day.
Showers are available for students to use. They have shower curtains for privacy and we have some towels on hand for students.

Illness/Medical Notes:
If you are not feeling well or can’t participate in class, please bring a parent note describing your situation for your teacher. In the event you need more than three days excused, you will need a note from a doctor and will need to give a note to the nurse