Class Introduction:

Printmaking 2 Lessons

1 and 2 Printing with Objects and Stamps
Winter Landscape with Houses and Trees
Artwork: Eric Carl and Printmaking History

1st Grade
1. Printing with Objects
Trees in Winter Landscape
2. Mono-print
Artwork: Printmaking History

2nd Grade
1. Making Stamps
People Around the World
2. Simple Printing Plates
Artwork: Printmaking History

3rd Grade
1. Simple Stencils; Repetition and Unity
Animal or bird
2. Making a Printing Plate
Boat or Abstract Design
Artwork: Printmaking History

4th Grade
1. Using Stencils; Positive/ Negative
Teddy Bear, Flower, Football
2. Making a Printing Plate
Boat or Abstract Design
Artwork: Printmaking History

5th Grade and 6th Grade
1 & 2 Relief Printing; Reverse Image
Animal or Letter
Artwork: Printmaking History