Class Introduction:

WDS Alaska Studies/Ancient Civ
Mrs. Thornton

Instructor’s Contact Information
Phone: (907) 742-3050
Email: thornton_stephanie@asdk12.org
Website: www.asdk12.org/staff/thornton_stephanie/

Welcome to Alaska Studies & Ancient Civilizations! Your first semester course is designed to increase your understanding of Alaska’s geography, cultures, history, and economics. During second semester we will be surveying ancient civilizations around the world. We will cover many topics including, but not limited to the following:

Alaskan Communities & Cultures Foundations of Civilization
Alaskan Geography Ancient River Civilizations
Alaska’s People & History Ancient Greece
AK’s Political, Social & Economic Issues Ancient Rome

Textbook & Supplies
There is NO textbook for AK Studies, but there is a textbook for Ancient Civ. We will be using workbooks and a variety of materials in this class which are occasionally available for check out or posted online. If these materials are not returned, students will be fined for them.

♦ Students will come to class on time, prepared to learn with all the appropriate materials.
♦ Students will respect their instructor, fellow classmates, and the property of Room 192.
♦ Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings & remain until class is dismissed.
♦ Observe all rules in the Student Handbook. FOLLOW THE CHS CELL PHONE POLICY (Attached)

Make-Up Work
♦ When absent, the student receives one day for each day that s/he is absent to turn in all assignments.
♦ Assignments given prior to absence are due on the original due date or upon return. Group assignments given prior to absence should be turned in before the student leaves on prearranged absences.
♦ Make-up tests must be taken before school, during lunch, or by appointment after school.
♦ No student will be able to make up missed tests if the student fails to make an appointment within one week of the original scheduled date.
♦The student is responsible for obtaining all notes and assignments (both in-class and homework) when absent.
♦ Obtain missed info from the classroom calendar, class website, or a classmate.
♦ Special arrangements for make-up work may be made with Mrs. Thornton under special circumstances only.
♦ Make-up work is not permitted for unexcused absences- this INCLUDES tests!

Late Work
♦ Students are given two free late paper coupons each semester, which may be used to turn in a regular assignment for full credit up to two weeks late. If not redeemed, these coupons can be turned in for extra credit points.
♦No other late work will be accepted.

Plagiarism or forgery is a serious offense and it will not be tolerated. Plagiarism includes copying from other students, textbooks, the Internet, and/or and commercial source.
♦ First offense= zero on the assignment and a disciplinary referral
♦ Second offense= An F in the class and disciplinary consequences

Grading and Assignments
Grades are earned by students and not assigned by the teacher. TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR WORK! Grades in this class will be made up of a combination of assignments, projects, quizzes, tests, journal work, and participation.

Extra Credit: Extra credit will only be accepted from students who have submitted all of their regular work—no “instead of” credit!

Grading Scale

90-100% A
80-89.9% B
70-79.9% C
60-69.9% D
59.9% and below F

Grades will be posted online on a regular basis.

Outdoor Fun
WDS students will occasionally be outdoors for activities such as nature journaling, field day activities, etc. Please be aware that while teachers will take appropriate measures to keep students safe, the outdoors poses inherent risks (bee stings, pollen allergies, etc.).