Class Introduction:

In 6th grade science, students will be exploring concepts through inquiry-based, hands-on experiences that will extend their natural fascination with the world and help them learn science skills and concepts that they will need in their later schooling and in life. In addition, we will also be practicing writing in science, note taking and other graphic organizers, record keeping, and proper laboratory decorum. Students in 6th grade at Clark Middle School, will be using brand new science curriculum kits, called the Foss Science Kit. Only the best for our students! We have moved to include not only Response to Instruction (RTI) strategies but have also included the Common Core Standards that have been adopted by the Anchorage School District. This year, in addition to science, students will also be learning the ASD 6th grade health curriculum using Teen Health textbooks. Health will be taught on Fridays through out the school year.

Class News

October 8, 2008
First Team Revelation Field trip!!!
Our First field trip is coming soon to a theater near you! (LITERALLY!!) We will be attending the play The Legend of the Wolfman produced and performed by TBA theater at APU's Grant Hall on October 27th from 9:15- 11:35. Students who are attending need to pay $8.00 for admission and transportation...
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September 12, 2008
Be on the look out for paperwork coming home this weekend!!
Three very important papers are coming home this weekend. The first one is your student's password to access online grades and to set up student led conferences. This is the same password that they had last year. The second form is the parent contact form. I am the parent contact person for Team...
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August 26, 2008
We are Team Revelation!!
This year, Mears Middle School has chosen the theme "Alaskan Glaciers" Our team voted and the glacier Revelation was picked to be our team name and mascot!...
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