Class Introduction:

World Mythology

According to the Anchorage School District Frameworks, this class ˇ§takes a multicultural approach to the study of mythology. It explores themes, motifs, and archetypes common to all cultures. Topics may include creation, tricksters, monsters, floods, revenge, the after life, and heroes. Students may read myths from Africa, Asia, Scandinavia, the Americas, the Pacific Rim, and other cultures. There will be extensive reading, writing and discussion.ˇ¨

Units of Study will include, but are not limited to, the following:
Introduction to Mythology Mythology of India
Ancient Mesopotamian Mythology Norse Mythology
Flood Mythology Arthurian Legend
Egyptian Mythology Myth of Choice Unit?

Ms. Armstrong's World

Materials: Since you are all upper-level high school students, I expect you to keep whatever type of binder/notebook system that is effective for you. Keep everything until the end of the semester. You will need it for reference.

Grading Scale: Each assignment will be given points according to its importance in the grand scheme of things. All points are added together, divided by total points, and given a percentage according to the following scale:
90% - 100%= A; 80% - 89%= B; 70% - 79%= C; 60% - 69%=D; 0 - 59%= F
Grades will not be rounded up. A 79.9% is a C+ not a B-.

Make-up Work:
As according to school policy, students have one day for every day absent, up to five days, for making up work. Any absences longer than one or two days should be prearranged. Work assigned before the day of the absence should be turned in on the assigned due date. If a paper is assigned when you are present, and then you are absent on the day it is due, you must turn it in immediately upon your return. If you are in school at any time on the day an assignment is due (even if you are excused from World Mythology), you must turn in your assignment before you leave school!

Students are responsible for getting the work missed when gone. Students need to check the assignment calendar and folders at the front of the classroom before approaching me, before or after class, about the homework. If further clarification is needed, please make sure to talk to Ms. Armstrong after class/school or talk to a fellow student. A web site has been set up to inform students about daily activities and assignments (see attached page for site). It is a studentˇ¦s responsibility to get make-up work for the days missed. Missed tests must be made up within one week from the original test date (before or after school or during 4th/5th lunch).

Late Work: Work is accepted for full credit only at the time it is collected. The student can turn in completed late assignments up until one week before the end of each quarter for half credit. Work from 3rd quarter cannot be made up during 4th quarter. Students will receive two late passes per semester. The late pass allows students to turn in one completed assignment up to one week late and still receive full credit. The pass cannot be used on tests, large projects or speeches. If a student loses his/her passes, they will not be replaced.

Extra Credit: Generally only given for class work that showed extra effort and stretched a student's abilities. Individual extra credit work or projects will not be given. If a student has turned in all assignments and has no blanks in the gradebook, unused bathroom passes can be handed in at the end of the semester for five points extra credit each.


Rule 1: Respect is first and foremost. Please raise your hand to be recognized. No name-calling or insults will be tolerated.

Rule 2: Privileges, such as food and drink, are just that- privileges. If you abuse them, you lose them.

Rule 3: BE ON TIME. Tardies and detentions will be assigned according to school policy. Don't complain if you get one. I'm not making you late!

Rule 4: Each student receives 4 locker/bathroom passes per semester. If a student has turned in all assignments and has no blanks in the grade book, unused bathroom passes can be handed in at the end of the semester for five points extra credit each (20 pts. maximum).

Rule 5: Ask questions if you need help! No question is stupid.¨

Rule 6: No WHINING allowed!