Class Introduction:

Study Skills

What is study skills? The main purpose as outlined in ASD’s curriculum is to give students the tools to be more successful in school and reach individual goals. Students will receive direct instruction in study skills (listed below) and assignments reinforcing the correct implementation of these skills in their other classes. Students will be afforded time each day with preparation and assistance in study skills so that successful completion of work can occur at home.

Study Skills & Strategies:

Teacher Pleasing Behaviors Oral Reports and Presentation Skills
Learning Styles Reading Strategies and Skills
Time Management Memory Skills and Techniques
Organization Test Taking Skills
Note Taking Math Strategies
Problem Solving Listening & Attention
Writing Strategies and Skills Self-Directed IEP/Advocacy


What are social skills? Skills and strategies needed by teens and adults that help with understanding communication and social dynamics to navigate the social world of home and school. Students will be exposed to concepts and techniques of Social Thinking from Michelle Garcia Winner as well as the Zones of Regulation by Leah M. Kuypers.

Welcome to Social Skills, you are now a young adult. At SAHS, you will encounter a new set of challenging freedoms and responsibilities.

As you may already be aware, you are participating in a special education class. This program serves students who have an individual education plan and qualify for special education services in the area of speech and language. Social Skills is a sanctuary for learning of practical strategies to encourage social thinking and organization, Zones of Regulation, Hidden Rules, Communication Skills, Support Tools, Perspective Taking, Verbal and Nonverbal Language, Emotions, and Problem Solving. A positive attitude and the ability to choose wisely will lead you to success. Conflicts and personal challenges can be very distracting, and should therefore be handled outside of class time. Please bring the following necessary materials: three ring binder, pencil(s), lined paper, and student planner. Also remember the following guidelines for classroom behaviors and expectations refer to the Student Responsibility Sheet and High School Student Handbook.

Class News

April 6, 2009
Students are completing practice tests and working on test taking strategies during the last weeks of March. Please make sure that your student gets plenty of rest and eats healthy foods over the next two weeks as our school prepares for the up-coming SBAs. Parents don't forget a little encourag...
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March 24, 2008
Student Led Conferences
Spring conferences will take place on Wednesday, March 26th and Thursday, March 27th, 2007. These will be student led conferences that include the student, parent/guardians, and Kenai team's teachers, but will be led by your child. Our goal is to have 100% attendance, so all Kenai students have th...
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September 24, 2007
On-line Grades Now Working!
My on-line grades are now up and running thanks to the help of Mr. Hackenmueller, so use your password and check them out....
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