Health/SEL Specialist

Homeroom: Trailside and Gladys Wood Elementary
Phone: (907) 742-1750

Welcome parents and students. I look forward to the new year teaching students about a variety of subjects involving their health and well-being. Our curriculum is the Great Body
Shop( THE GREAT BODY SHOP is a nationally recognized comprehensive health and substance abuse prevention program used by preschool, elementary and
middle schools throughout the US. The program meets all state and national standards and guidelines.

THE GREAT BODY SHOP integrates health lessons along with the following:
Substance Abuse Prevention
Social and Emotional Health
Character Education
Violence Prevention (including bullying)
Critical Thinking
Asset Building
Reading, Communication, Technology and other Learning Skills

Students are assessed an effort grade based upon their contributions to class, attentiveness, effort, and attitude. My schedule alternates between Trailside and Gladys Wood, two weeks at a
time, alternating with the Art teacher. I can best be reached, any time, through the district email at

Parent Letter 2019 - All grade levels

Here are the parent bulletins from Great Body Shop describing our first quarter unit by grade level:

Kindergarten- How to Stay Safe

First Grade- Look Out!

Second Grade- Let's Stay Safe

Third Grade: Safe at Home, Safe Away

Fourth Grade- Community Safety

Fifth Grade- First Aid Facts

Sixth Grade- Keep This Body Safe