Honors U.S. History, International Relations, 20th Century American Eras

Homeroom: 214C - Yellow Hall
Phone: (907) 742-1800

Welcome to my homepage!
I have an open door policy and encourage all parents to contact me at any time. I have found that e-mail is the quickest and
easiest way for me to converse with parents. If you need to contact me by phone, my number is 742-1800. I respond either
same day or the following day. Sixth period is my conference hour.

I encourage all parents to ask their son/daughter what activities and discussions we are having in class. I keep my students
updated on current events (a daily "Global Update"). If you have any concerns about material or subjects I teach in
my class, please do not hesitate to contact me. I would be more than happy to explain my rationale for anything I do in class.

Please keep in mind that Bartlett's rotation means that students may not have homework every night. In some cases, they
will have an extra day to complete an assignment or study for a test. Check the Homework link for specific details.

To see grades, please login to Zangle. Grades will be posted and updated regularly.

I have a Moodle website for International Relations, AP Comparative Government, and Honors U.S. History. Assignments
can be downloaded from those pages and quizzes will be taken through Moodle.