~~ Highly Qualified K-6 ~~
~~ Highly Qualified Middle School Math ~~
•Incorporate technology to enhance my students’ understanding of the concepts and content being covered.
•Help prepare those students who pass through my door for high school, college, and life.
Pass the Praxis II exam to become Highly Qualified in Middle School Language Arts.
•Earn my master’s degree and/or become Nationally Board Certified.
•Be a positive influence to future teachers who come into my room as student teachers and/or mentoring first-year teachers.
•Effectively balance my time between being a teacher and mother.
•Eagle Academy Charter School
6th/7th Level teacher; 2006-present
•Taku Elementary School
4th grade teacher; 2001-2006
•Substitute Teacher, Anchorage School District
Grades K-8; 2000-2001
•Substitute Teacher, Baker School District
Grades K-8; 2000
•Common Core State Standards: Math
•Math Derby coach
•First Aid/CPR certified
•Mentor Teacher
•ILA-1 and ILA-2 Spalding training
•Winning Classroom Management Strategies
•Dr. Geoff Colvin’s Positive School-wide Discipline seminars
•SIOP – Sheltered Instruction Option Protocol
•Promoting Success for English Language Learners I-IV
•University of Alaska, Anchorage
Professional Development; 2002-present
•Eastern Oregon State University
Bachelor’s of Science in Multidisciplinary Studies, K-8, 1994-2000