I-Science 9, Life Science, Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Social Skills, and Study Skills

Homeroom: G-111
Phone: (907) 742-6400

My main focus areas this year are self-determination, common core skills in math, reading, and writing, and social and study skills. The ultimate goal for all students at South High School is to achieve greater success by becoming active, independent, and responsible life-long learners. Monday Period 1 (Integrated Science and Life Science) Period 2 (Survey of Algebra 9-12) Period 3 (Pre-Algebra) Period 5 (Pre-Algebra) Period 6 (Social Skills/Study Skills) Tuesday Period 1 (Integrated Science and Life Science) Period 2 (Survey of Algebra) Period 5 (Pre-Algebra) Wednesday Period 2 (Survey of Algebra) Period 3 (Pre-Algebra) Period 5 (Pre-Algebra) Period 6 (Social/Study Skills) Thursday Period 1 (Integrated Science and Life Science) Period 3 (Pre-Algebra) Period 5 (Pre-Algebra) Period 6 (Social/Study Skills) Friday Period 1 (Integrated Science and Life Science) Period 2 (Survey of Algebra 9-12) Period 3 (Pre-Algebra) Period 5 (Pre-Algebra) Period 6 (Social Skills/Study Skills)