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Early Childhood Education is designed to present an in-depth study of Early Childhood Education (ECE). ECE examines the theories and methods of child development and education as students focus on the typical growth and development of children from 0-5 years and family life. Students study the quality elements of a good learning environment for young children which focuses on purposeful play and "hands-on" projects. Students are also introduced to the many career opportunities related to the field of Early Childhood Education. After finishing this class, students can pursue careers in Early Childhood Education, Education, Psychology, Social Work, and Human Services.
The prerequisites of this class are to enjoy and value working directly with children. A background in Child Development or Psychology is helpful but not required. Students earn a half credit in Social Studies and one elective credit toward graduation from high school. Students also have the opportunity to earn college level Tech Prep credit through the University of Alaska, Anchorage. After completing the first semester of this class, students who earn a B or better, have good class attendance, and a professional attitude will have the opportunity to move on to our second semester Early Childhood Education class. Students can also pursue On the Job Training (OJT) experiences with a teacher recommendation after completing the first semester of ECE.
For the Success of Our Preschool Students: "Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed."
- Dr. Maria Montessori, MD, the founder of the Montessori Method of Education (1870 - 1952)
For Your Success in Your Own Life: "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing."
Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of US (1809 - 1865)