
Homeroom: Rm. 198
Phone: (907) 742-5000
Email: vaaia_michelle@asdk12.org

Hello and Welcome to Kindergarten! My name is Mrs. Vaaia and I am teaching Kindergarten in the neighborhood program this year. Kindergarten is such a fun time, full of learning and growing. I am excited to work with you all and help you have the best, first year of elementary school possible.
This year, we are the Busy Bees! Being active learners and always doing our best will help us to learn as much as we can (and have lots of fun).
Parents, please make sure that you are checking the B.E.E. books every night and sticking them back inside backpacks for a safe return the following school day.
So remember to BEE on time to school each morning, and get lots of sleep every night. See you at the hive!
Mrs. Vaaia
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