Homeroom: 107

Welcome to my home page!

I am looking forward to a great year of Math and to an overall successful 7th grade year!

You and your child will be able to check on homework assignments by going to their class page.
Remember, all students are expected to write assignments in their planners.
Assignments are also posted in my classroom.

Math 7 and Algebra :
Parents, if you sign up for MyASD (follow instructions on the ASD's main page) you'll get an email whenever I update my homework page.
This is a really neat feature that I recommend taking advantage of so you can stay informed.

I have a Promethean board in my classroom and I post class notes and homework handouts daily (except when the computers are down or I'm out of the building).

Typically, I enter grades into my electronic gradebook on Zangle every couple of assignments, so using Zangle will help you to be more up to date on your child's progress.

Please contact me by email if you have any questions, I check it daily and try to reply promptly.