(Ch. 9: Black Book) War and Revolution in the East, 1917


(Ch. 9: Black Book) War and Revolution in the East, 1917

1. Describe Lenin's vision of communism and capitalism.
2. Briefly describe Lenin's years as a young man in Tsarist Russia.
3. Why did Lenin leave Russia in 1900? Describe the split in the Russian Democratic Socialist Party.
4. What are the key ideological differences between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks?
5. Briefly describe the Socialist Revolutionaries.
6. How did Lenin view the First World War?
7. Grenville states that "[t]he overthrow of tsarism took place with startling speed" during the First World War. Explain why the "home front" was the first to collapse and not the Russian army. (important question)
8. How did the Duma respond to the unrest in Moscow and Petrograd?
9. What was the relationship between the Council of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies and the provisional government set up by the Duma? And what was the end result in May 1917?
10. Briefly describe Lenin's return to Russia in April 1917.
11. What did Lenin argue in his "April Theses"?
12. Describe General Kornilov's role in the Russian Revolution of 1917.
13. Briefly explain the factors of Kerensky's defeat at the hands of Lenin and his Bolsheviks.
14. Describe the social and political events that developed after the seizure of the Winter Palace.
15. Briefly describe the provisions of the treaty of Brest-Litovsk. And why did Lenin have to bully the Central Committee of the Bolshevik party to accept the terms?


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