Study Topics for WWI Test


Study Topics for WWI Test

Study chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 8

[Note: I've labeled some topics that you can dismiss, as they will not show up on the test. I am not saying that these topics are irrelevant or unimportant; I am merely trying to make studying for this test a less time intensive thing for students. They are marked with "(omit)."]

Study Topics

Ch. 1 (Black Book) Hereditary Foes and Uncertain Allies

-- makeup of the Reichstag (omit)
-- Germany's domestic political environment (omit)
-- fear of the rise of the Social Democratic Party
-- Schlieffen Plan and the remarkable aspects of German official thinking in the plan
-- Weltpolitik and the Navy Law of 1898
-- Moroccan crises of 1905 and 1911
-- December 1912 meeting

Ch. 1 (Black Book) Hereditary Foes and Uncertain Allies

 Conservative France (omit)
 The Dreyfus Affair (omit)
 Paradox of French weakness and international strength
 Franco-Russian Alliance 1894
 Moroccan crisis
 Entente Cordiale
 Raymond Poincare
 Poincare's views of the Franco-Russian Alliance
 Poincare's views of the growing power of Germany

Ch. 2 (Black Book) The British Empire

 British industrial position
 The political parties of Great Britiain (omit)
 The security of the British isles
 Removing conflict between the United States
 Colonial agreements with France and Russia
 2nd Moroccan crisis
 naval agreements with Germany
 Germanophobia
 German fears of encirclement

Terms for Russia: Ch. 3 (Black Book)
Russia 1905 (why was this year a turning point?), October Manifesto of 1905, Peter Stolypin, Tsar Nicholas II, 1904 War with Japan, the Balkan League, Sergei Sazonov (omit), the Straits of Constantinople

Terms for Austria-Hungary: Ch. 3 (Black book)
settlement of 1867 (omit), dualism (omit), Francis Joseph (omit), Habsburg foreign policy, Foreign Minister Count Aehrenthal, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bosnian Crisis, Serbia

Chapter 4: Study Topics (Black Book)

- Controversy surrounding the Black Hand
- Serbian power in the Balkan region and political implications
- Austro-Hungarian diplomacy and its response to the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
- The three obstacles for Austria-Hungary when dealing with Serbia
- issues surrounding Germany's "blank check" to Austria-Hungary
- the Austro-Hungarian ultimatum
- the efforts of Sir Edward Grey in the July Crisis of 1914 (omit)
- the importance of mobilization for all parties involved, especially the Tsar
- partial vs. full mobilization
- The Schlieffen Plan
- responsibility for starting conflict: Grenville's thoughts
- the role of the British in this whole affair

Chapter 8: Study Topics (Black Book)

- the eastern front and the battle of Tannenburg
- attrition and industrial war
- domestic politics in each nation before the outbreak of war (omit)
- the British naval blockade
- the new weapons of war (omit)
- the propaganda campaign of each country, specifically propaganda aimed against Germany
- Armenian massacre or genocide (omit)
- Effect of war on neutral countries, specifically the United States
- Woodrow Wilson and the issue of neutrality
- British decision to attack Turkey
- The Ottoman Empire's role in the war
- Italy's role in the war (omit)
- Bethmann Hollweg's idea of a "Middle Europe"
- Russian aims and Allied aims
- Verdun and Somme
- Spring of 1917


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