I AM Poem


I AM Poem
Draft a personal profile poem about yourself on a separate sheet of paper using the following or some comparable format. Incorporate symbolism through objects, colors and images that contributes to the meaning expressed in your words. Share your poem for presentation credit.

I am…….(two words to describe yourself)
I wonder……..(what do you want to know about life?)
I hear……….(what sounds do you hear in your mind?)
I see………(what sights, literal or figurative, do you see? what do you realize about life?)
I want………..(what is your greatest need or desire?)
I am………..(repeat line one or redefine yourself with two words)
I pretend……….(what do you pretend to be or do?)
I believe…….(what do you believe, value or anticipate?)
I touch……….(describe the impact that you have on others or the surrounding world?)
I feel……..(explain the emotional conflict you suffer and why)
I worry……..(describe the concerns your character has for self or others)
I cry……….(explain your pain)
I am…….(repeat line one or redefine yourself with two words)
I understand……………(explain the conclusions you have reached about life or circumstances)


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