Extra credit for Quarter 3


I will not see you during Quarter 2, so to keep Spanish fresh in your mind, I invite you to do 3 assignments connected to the podcasts available at Duolingo.com If you complete all 3, you earn 60 points of extra credit to be used in Quarter 3.

Each assignment asks you to listen to a Duolingo podcast, fill out a worksheet and make a recording of yourself summarizing the podcast in Canvas Studio to share with me in January.

If you do fewer than all 3 assignments, that's okay. I'll take what you give me, as long as each assignment is complete, done according to instructions and high in quality.

The homework sheet can be found in two places: as a Google link under "links" on the home page, or as a Word Doc here.

If using the Google link, make sure that you are logged in to ASD Google to open the it. For each podcast, make a new copy of the worksheet, fill it out and save it in a folder marked 3rd Quarter Extra Credit Work (or some other title that you can remember well!!) in your Google drive.

If using the Word Doc version, upload each completed doc into a Google folder that you create in your ASD Google drive.

During the first week of class in January, I'll show you how to share these documents with me. As we work our way through Quarter 3, you can use these points to excuse yourself from doing Duolingo assignments, or you can ask that these points be added in Q at the end of Quarter 3 to raise your grade.

Good luck and please email me with questions or if you can't open the homework doc.


Click on the filename to download the file.