Self Brochure Rubric


The Purpose of this assignment is to advertise yourself in a positive way.

A. Introduction of yourself and your family (Picture of yourself, Heading should be your name)
B. Your Strengths, abilities, interests, and things you like to do.
C. The qualities about you that others like and respect: why you are liked as a friends etc.
D. Why you are a unique and special person.
E. What you are like on the inside. Your attitude, thoughts, beliefs, feelings
F. Your ambitions and goals in life, College, career, family, travel, etc.
G. If you had three wishes,what would they be (cannot wish for more wishes or money)
H. Something about your cultural heritage

Project is completed on a 12x18 piece of posterboard
Nothing should be handwritten (should be done on computer)
Pictures should be appropriate
Get can use stickers, borders, etc.

100 points


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