Observations of one square meter.


Each day of the survey you will be making ten observations and three inferences about your plot and the surrounding environment. If you miss a day, you may make it up by asking for an assignment extension from Mr. Armentrout and extending the survey until you have completed ten days. You should spend about ten minutes each day making your observations and inferences. Use the form on the inside, back cover to model each day’s page. Put a # sign by each observation that is quantitative. Work must be neat!

Safety Notes:
1) Be sure that the plot you pick is in a safe location. You must make this decision with a parent or guardian. Please have your parent/guardian sign here that you have agreed that the location is a safe place for your survey. Please pay attention to what time you will be doing your survey when considering safety.
PARENT SIGNATURE: ________________________________

2) Use only vision, hearing, touch and smell (using the appropriate wafting technique) to make observations. DO NOT TASTE ANYTHING. There are many toxic substances produced by organisms in Alaska that could cause you serious harm if ingested. Any Taste observations will result in a zero grade for this assignment and revocation of lab privileges for the remainder of the quarter.

3) Let a parent, or guardian, know that you are observing your plot each day you do this assignment. Invite them along if they have the time, and they can help you make observations and inferences. It will be your responsibility to determine what is an inference and what is an observation.


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