Bonus Entry #1


The following journal entry can either be done to make up a previous entry that was missed due to absence OR for extra credit if all other journal entries are complete. These are not actually due on the dates listed here, but instead must be complete by the date your journal is turned in.

1. Someone asked me in class about where a platypus fits into the evolutionary tree of life. Quite honestly, I don't know. I know they're monotremes, but what monotremes are related to, what their ancestors were like, etc...I'm fairly clueless. Find out and teach me! Learn about the platypus. Tell me about how it is specially adapted to its way of life and what type of organisms it is related to (and where evidence suggests that it came from). If you can find it, sketch a picture of the platypus' phylogenetic tree - (google that term).

While you're at it, tell me about the evolutionary history of pangolins. I haven't got a clue what those critters are related to, but they sure are cool.

2. Darwin was confused by peacocks and whales, because they didn't seem to fit into his theory of evolution through natural selection. I'm confused by the platypus. What animals or plants can you think of that just don't seem to fit? Explain in detail. Include the information for this species that your found in part 1 - note the species, then go learn about it and teach me what you learned.

3. Personal thoughts/reflections

(Note: The due date is not actually on the 24th. All bonus entries are due when the journals are turned in.)


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