Grading Policy


It is the belief that the elementary years provide the foundation for a lifetime of learning.  The beginning elementary years stress the basics of reading, writing, language arts, mathematics, science social studies, fine arts, and physical education.  Because these are such essential growing years, student progress shall be evaluated using comparisons to the essential skill identified for each grade level.  Therefore, traditional letter grades computed from student work shall not be utilized in kindergarten.  Instead, progress indicators shall show how students are growing academically compared to the key skills needed for future learning.

Grading Policy

In 1st grade students will receive letter grades.  O, S, and N are used for report card purposes.  This includes classroom participation, performance on daily work in each of the subject areas and homework.  On your child’s corrected papers the following market are used:

Oor a star means there are no errors (exceeds expectations).

S+or a very happy face means a few errors.

Sor a check mark means some errors (means meets expectations).

S-or a check minus means too many errors.

Nor a very sad face means they do not have the concept (does not meet expectations).

Achievement grades and progress are determined by a combination of the following:

*Comparing the child to his/her own level

*Formal and informal testing

*Assignment completion

*Participation in groups, discussions, and activities

*Teacher’s professional judgement

Effort grades are determined by a combination of:

*Time on task/completion of tasks

*Interest shown


*Initiative shown

*Appropriate behavior

Homework Policy

Weekly homework packets will be sent home each Friday in their Friday Folders.  Packets are due the next Thursday.  Homework will go home in a folder and should be returned in the same folder.   Important notes and newsletters will be included in the folder.  It is your child’s responsibility to return the folder every week and to take good care of the folder.  Each student will only receive ONE folder during the year.  Please help your child remember to return his or her folder every FRIDAY.

Homework will not be graded, but it will count towards each student’s responsibility grade on his or her report card.  After being turned in, I will check each student’s homework to make sure it has been completed and also to see that it has been done correctly.  If you have any questions about how to help your student with the homework packets, please fill out a “Homework Memo” (located inside the homework folder) and send it in to me.  I will answer your question as soon as possible!

Kindergarten Grading Policy:

On the report card for kindergarten the following number grades will be used:

4 – Advanced

3 – Proficient

2 – Making Progress

1- Making Little Progress  

0 – No Progress

N/A Not Assessed

Note: Not all areas of the report card will have the opportunity to achieve a 4 (Advanced) due to the grading rubric.

Teachers shall also share with the parent/guardian how their student will be assessed during the year, with descriptions of the relative importance of work completed during class and participation.