

Every Morning

8:50-9:15  Pledge, announcements, attendance, lunch count, and breakfast

9:15-10:45  Reading & Writing

10:45-11:20  Interventions

11:35-12:20  Lunch & Recess

Afternoon subjects and activities are scheduled around our specialist classes and include:  calendar, math, science, social studies, and Social emotional learning. 

Special Classes

(also called Pull-Outs)

Monday: Library 1:30-2:15

           Music 2:15-2:45


Tuesday: Gym/ P.E. 1:45-2:30

            Counselor 2:30-3:15 (alternating weeks)

Wednesday:  Gym/P.E. 1:45-2:30

                Computer Lab 2:30-3:15

Thursday:  Art/Health 1:55-2:55


Friday:  Music 1:00-1:30