Students who have asthma medications kept in the nurse's office should have a form on file with the nurse called the "Student Asthma Action Card." This form has been available now for a few years and is preferred over the long term medication form. It is filled out and signed by both the student's healthcare provider and parent(s).

Click on the link below to print the form for you and your doctor to complete.

Asthma Action Plan.pdf

It contains information for the nurse and other staff (on a "need to know" basis) regarding emergency contact information, steps to take during an asthma episode, emergency asthma medications, and a school asthma management plan. This helps ensure quick recognition and appropriate treatment of asthma episodes at school.

This action card will be requested at the beginning of each school year.

I would be happy to discuss this further if you have questions or concerns; please call me at 742-4963. Our fax number is 742-4966. Thank you!

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