Alaska Regulations require that all students be immunized (4 AAC 06.055)

Before admission to an Alaskan public school, the parent must:
1. Provide an immunization record from a physician, health department, or other health care provider showing dates (month, day, year) of required immunizations; OR
2. Obtain required immunizations. If there are medical or religious reasons a child cannot be vaccinated, call the school nurse for further information. For laboratory-confirmed immunity, an Alaska-licensed MD, DO, ANP or PA must evaluate antibody levels from laboratory testing to determine immunity to the specific disease. A copy of the laboratory report and a cover note stating the child is immune to the disease in question and does not need the immunization must be submitted to the school.

Students with no shot records or waiting for shot records:
1. To be admitted, a child must receive one dose each of DTP/DT/Td, Polio, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and MMR vaccine.
2. A signed physician's statement is required if there are medical reasons a child cannot be vaccinated. Only a physician, physician's assistant or advanced nurse practitioner licensed in Alaska is authorized to exempt children from immunizations.
3. To remain in school a medically verified record must be provided showing the dates of all required immunizations, or the remaining immunizations must be given.
4. Children not complying with immunization requirements must be excluded from school.

Most students 15 years of age will require a tetanus booster before they can attend school. This booster is scheduled ten (10) years after their last DTP, which is usually at the kindergarten entry level.

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