
We need more than 40 different nutrients to maintain good health. These include the essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, amino acids from proteins, essential fatty acids from fat, and protein, carbohydrates, and fat. However, if these nutrients are not eaten on a regular basis then try supplementing with a daily multiple vitamin. Unfortunately, most kids do not eat well. This can affect their health, cognitive ability, and physical performance. Students who eat well perform better in school. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

What are children eating today?
* 35% of elementary school-age children eat no fruit, and 20% eat no
vegetables on a given day.
* 27% of children age 6-11 are considered obese.
* 12% of school-age children report skipping breakfast.

Below are some menu planning ideas for children: Plan the night before for breakfast when times may be rushed and package a few quick snacks that are healthy.

Here are a few suggestions
*fruit - fresh or dried (a banana)
*yogurt (go-gurt)
*cheese sticks
*bagels with cream cheese or salmon spread
*toast with peanut butter
*sandwich (PBJ or Tuna)
*left over pizza

Food Group 

Recommended Number of Daily Servings

 Serving Sizes
 Dairy Group


 1 cup
 Meat Group


 2 oz.
 Fruit Group


 1/2 cup
 Vegetable Group


 1/2 cup
 Grain Group


 1 slice or 1/2 cup

Help your kids make choices for a healthy diet!

Disclaimer: This information is not intended be a substitute for professional medical advice. It is provided for educational purposes only. You assume full responsibility for how you choose to use this information.

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