Please E-mail me broken links

Practice exams and problems - these were developed for the course at U. of Connecticut, but are open to the public and get marked online-- a great way to determine if you are ready for the day of judgment in your local course. Scroll down to near the bottom part of the page for problems on specific topics.

High School Resources on the Web - this collection of links should be equally valuable for college-level General Chemistry.


Tutorial materials

Aufbau1 - An extensive and somewhat unconventional on-line resource by Roger Peters. It includes tutorials and exercises. Although aimed at British middle-school students, this will likely be suitable for high school and college students in North America.

ChemTutor covers a variety of topics - aimed mainly at HS and AP Chemistry

General Chemistry Virtual Textbook - A reliable set of lecture notes covering a complete college-level course by Michael Blaber of Florida State U. Look in the left-hand frame to see what topics are available.

Quantum theory and the atom - a well-organized and understandable set of Web pages covering quantum mechanics and its applications, including such practical ones as cat scans and microwave ovens. Well worth a look!

Tutorial material on specific topics

Acids and bases

Acids, bases, pH tutorial - (University of B.C.)


Intermolecular forces

An illustrated summary of intermolecular forces, and hydrogen bonding by Michael Blaber of Florida State U

Molecular structure

VSEPR theory: VSEPR tutorial (Liverpool) - VSEPR for General Chemistry (Perdue; requires plug-in)

WebMolecules Designed for the 3D visualization of molecules, this site contains over 150,000 molecular structures in 3D. Thousands of common molecules are organized into 30+ categories. Included are molecules of commercial value, educational importance, and of topical interest. It is indexed by formula and category and is also fully searchable by formula. There is even a facility for E-mailing molecular models to your friends. Site includes a nice guide for selecting an appropriate VRML plug-in.

Structure and Chemistry of Coordination Compounds by John Nash of Perdue University. (requires CHIME plug-in to view structures)

Nuclear Chemistry

short tutorial - see also the Darmstadt group's page.

Periodic Tables

ChemiCool Periodic Table (MIT)

Chinese periodic table by Patrick Han, a former student at Ithaca College (NY); each symbol represents the letter abbreviation for the corresponding element.

Comic book periodic table - if both comics and chemistry are important in your life, you'll love this!

The Pictorial Periodic Table. This website is an interactive periodic table with a comprehensive database of element properties, which can be searched and collated in novel and useful ways. Pictures of elements and compounds are being taken and collected into the database. Periodic table art, music and educational games are available. A huge listing of other periodic tables (including Japanese and other non-English tables) on the Internet is on this website, sorted and annotated.

WebElements (Sheffield, UK) The elements in this online periodic table are linked to an extensive variety of chemical and physical data as well as background, crystallographic, nuclear, electronic, biological and geological information. You can ever hear how the Brits pronounce the name of the element!

Solids and materials

Polymers. The outstanding site Macrogalleria covers the structures and properties of polymers in an uncommonly engaging way. Highly recommended.


Chemical reaction stoichiometry site provides tutorials for both beginners and advanced students on how to generate a proper set of chemical equations to represent the stoichiometry of a reacting system of any degree of complexity.


The Second Law: The biggest, most powerful, most general idea in all of science. A lively, non-mathematical exposition of the way that entropy and activation energy battle it out in the world as we know it. By Frank Lambert of Occidental College.



Bad Chemistry - Check up on your teacher! The purpose of this page is to bring to light commonly mistaught concepts in the field of Chemistry.

"Ban DHMO" (dihydrogen monoxide) page. It can kill you! All about this nefarious chemical in our environment.

Elemental discoveries A weekly 'zine featuring chemistry topics and reviews.

Humor: Chemistry Joke-a-rama; Science Jokes (including over 200 on Chemistry)

What students say - what professors hear - this bit of wisdom was found on the Marshall U. (WV) site.



Acid-base Arcade uses an arcade/shooting game format to test the user's understanding of the names, terms, and phrases associated with acids, bases, and other associated chemicals. This is a $15 shareware program for Windows.

The Atomic Mac is a shareware periodic table-oriented database for the Macintosh that provides a wealth of information (including isotopic and nuclear data) on the elements. Also includes a molecular weight calculator.

Chem1 Instructional Shareware for General Chemistry
If you have a personal computer, here is some software that you might wish to download and look at. Chem1 Personal Edition (available for both Macintosh and Windows) is a single-user, shareware set of lessons that provide guided, interactive instruction in General Chemistry at the college and advanced high school levels. These materials are suitable for home study or as a supplement to a formal course. All lessons start at a very elementary level, and many of them go somewhat beyond the content of the standard first-year course, making them useful to students enrolled in analytical chemistry, biochemistry, and environmental chemistry courses.

Falcon Software offers a variety of interactive tutorials and a CD of simulated experiments that can be ordered online at special student prices.

Chemistry structure-drawing software - ChemSketch is a free Windows-only application from ACD that offers 3D optimization, viewing and rotation, cut and paste into other applications, and tautomer prediction.

Trinity software offers student discounts on all its products which include a number of titles in General Chemistry.

Molecular weight calculators

  • MoleCalc (for Macintosh only) is a pop-up molecular weight calculator that is one of the best we have seen. It uses a periodic table layout to select the elements and a numeric pad for subscripts. This is a demo which can be registered inexpensively via the Internet
    (Download MoleCalc demo now; 180 K)

Molecular visualization software. MacMolecule and PCMolecule are versatile utilities for students of chemistry, biochemistry, and molecular biology that work well with very large molecules. This site offers tutorial materials and downloads of additional molecular image files.

PTViz: Periodic Table Illustrator - a free, Macintosh program that creates illustrations of element properties using the periodic table. You can use it directly to illustrate lectures, or by copying the illustrated tables into presentation, word processing or drawing programs, to create figures for presentations, publications or class notes.


Beyond General Chemistry

The ChemCAI site contains extensive links to the major Web-based Chemistry collections and to other resources of special interest to Chemistry educators and students.