Make a Simple Web Page for your Class

Scenario: you have 5 web sites, all with long, complex names, that you wish your students to access quickly when you go to the computer lab next period.

Solution: create a web page that has links to these sites, save it in your Shared folder, direct the students to this page.


  1. Open a new Word document and carefully type in the 5 web sites, each on a different line. Feel free to type comments after each one. Note that when you type a space or the Enter key at the end of a link, it automatically formats itself as a web link. Allow this to happen.
  2. Add a title to this document and any other text that you wish. Add some simple formatting (larger print, bold fonts, etc.) if you wish. But keep it simple.
  3. Save the document as a Word document, the same as always. This will be available if you wish to make changes at a later date.
  4. Save as a web page. To do this, from the File menu, select Save As. Change the File Type to Web Page (*.htm, *.html). Keep the name simple (no fancy characters in it)
  5. Quit Word. You are almost done. You may test your page by double-clicking on it. Your Internet browser should open up and your links should connect you to the sites.
  6. Copy this file to your folder in the Class_Folder in the Groups share. If you do not have a folder, check with us and we will set one up for you. It only takes a couple of minutes.

When you take your class to the computer lab, say "Remember how Mr. Tryon taught you to go to the Groups folder? Go to my folder and double-click on the file "Top 5 Kayaking Sites in the World" and start on your project."

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