Sample Page (Digitizing 35 mm Slides)

My basic impression is that with this method, WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). I was projecting old, dark slides of a trip that had a number of gray days, and I was not particularly careful with my photography (taking pictures out the window of a moving car, not holding the camera still, etc.) and I got digital images of the same dark, out-of-focus pictures. But as a quick method to archive pictures that would otherwise be lost, I think that it is excellent. I also think that the bulb on the projector needs to be replaced.

The picture of Ginkakugi (The Silver Pavilion) in Kyoto is straight out of the digital camera (although with resolution adjusted lower for posting on the web). While a little dark, I think that it represents what was on the screen in the slide show.

This picture of the edge of the Gobi Desert, on the road to Turpan shows the center much lighter than the edges. (un-retouched) This was how it was projected on the screen and may be in part due to an 30 year old bulb in the slide projector...

The River Li is an amazing place, with very impressive Karst topography. The first picture is untouched, the 2nd was lightened up with PhotoShop. (It was a gray day...) Again, I would blame the original camera operation 20 years ago, rather than the transfer procedure.



This Grand Canyon shot is a 35 year old slide, scanned in with a scanner, of my best summer job ever...

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