Screen Shots in Fireworks (Macintosh)

[typing at home - not tested yet...]

To capture a picture of what is going on in a program, one can take a 'screen shot' and then edit it in Fireworks.

On a Macintosh, hold down the Open-Apple and Shift keys and then press the 3 key to capture what is on the screen.

[Open-Apple / Shift / 4 will give you a chance to drag a marquee box around a portion of the screen]

Then in Macromedia Fireworks, select File / Open and look on your desktop. Your screen shot will appear.

Click on the Crop tool and drag a box around the part that you want.

Double-click within the box and it will both crop and shrink you canvas down to the new size.

File and Save As for your new picture.

You can also use the painting tools to circle key features, etc.