
Tables give you distinct boxes. Plus they are more or less automatically formed by copying cells from a spreadsheet and pasting them into Dreamweaver. Note that there are options under Modify / Table that let you add rows, columns, etc.

I sometimes use them to emphasize a string of choices. Putting them in the left frame to serve as a menu is a possibility - eg. Opportunities for Lifelong Learning

10 things about me: Links copied from my tech page to Excel and back
Tech coordinator at SAHS
Taught math and computer classes at Bartlett for 20+ years Easy Grade Pro
Have joked (and been serious about) Tryon's Maxim for 20+ years: "I don't mind typing anything, … once." E-Mail
Have spent many years at the 'hobby' of getting data out of the VAX system and into personal computers for use by individuals. Internet: Browsers, SiteBuilder
Helped the Nordic Ski Association move from manual results to a computerized timing system, requiring a very limited amount of typing. Office Suite, changing file types (Word, PowerPoint, Excel)
I wrote my first program as a high school junior in 1967 - and I've respected computers as a powerful tool ever since. Webpages and Macromedia (Dreamweaver, web-pages, graphic programs)
I'd rather be kayaking. Computers, Operating systems, Scanners, Miscellaneous
I'd rather be skiing. Printers and Copiers
I think the world should switch to base 12, but for this list, I'll use base 9. Miscellaneous Jobs/Projects
Non-ASD Tech Tips (and availability of other Software)

Without borders, a table allows you to put things scattered around the page. These can be text or images:

Top left cell        



Extreme Mountain Biking!
(with a few background balloons...)

        Bottom right cell


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