How to Manage your Storage Quota

The default quota for students is 500 megabytes of storage on a central server. This should be sufficient for general school computer use. Sometimes, students will find that they fill it up and can no longer save their documents. Note that the Pictures, Movies, and Music folders in a student's Macintosh account also count towards this quota

To check the size of all of your folders on a Macintosh:

To check the size of all of your folders on a Dell:

As a reminder, a summary of units is shown below.

bit 1 piece of data  
byte 1 character 1 keystroke
kilobyte 1024 bytes small files (e-mail messages) are measured in K
megabyte 1024 K big files (pictures), old RAM, Student Storage, old flash drives are measured in Megs
gigabyte 1024 Meg a bit larger than a CD (RAM & flash drives are 1 gig or larger))
terabyte 1024 Gig School-wide storage for everyone
petabyte 1024 terabytes NASA, etc.

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