SAHS Computer Usage Expectations

Background: The district has limited compter resources available that are needed for ever-increasing educational needs. Seemingly 'harmless' computer use can negatively impact fellow students ability to accomplish necessary tasks. In addition, the all-pervasive temptations of the internet lead to an unreasonable dilution of the educational process if they are not limited.


Note that 'the management' has the right and power to examine the contents of your school data files, to watch your activities on computers hooked up to the school network, and to delete or restrict access to your files.

From the Student Internet Use Agreement:

The following are not permitted:

· Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures
· Using obscene language
· Harassing, insulting, or attacking others
· Violating copyright laws
· Using another’s password
· Trespassing in another’s folders, work or files
· Employing the network for commercial purposes
· Deliberate damage to hardware or software
· Use of District computers for illegal activities
Violations may result in a loss of access as well as other disciplinary or legal action. These have historically included being take to McLaughlin and charged with a felony.


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