School- and District-wide
Information & Communication Technology
Exceed Meet  Emerging  
1.0 Software and hardware        
1.1 All staff have access to a working computer with appropriate software, connected to the internet at all of their workstations.      
1.2 Computers are managed with standard images so that if a computer becomes inoperable, it can be replaced with another within an hour.      
1.3 Computer labs are available (mobile or fixed) for teachers to allow all of their students to work on assignments at the same time.      
1.4 The library has sufficient access to electronic research materials to enable students to use them to conduct appropriate research.      
2.0 Curriculum        
2.1 The school (district) has a published set of ICT curriculum standards that all students are expected to meet.      
2.2 The curriculum will be incorporated into traditional lessons as much as possible.      
2.3 When ICT curriculum is taught in traditional lessons, procedures are in place to ensure that all sections and classes include these materials so that all students receive the training      
3.0 Student Training        
3.1 Coverage of topics is orchestrated in such a way that all students receive the information, but none is exposed to more repitition than is appropriate.      
3.2 Appropriate ICT lessons will be presented directly to the students, with safeguards to ensure that all receive them.  eg. Orientation to the school's computer system and library within the first month of school.      
4.0 Staff Training        
4.1 All staff have access to training for 'productivity tools'.  eg. Electronic gradebooks, office suite programs, peripherals (cameras, smartboards, scanners, etc.).  Training should be available in multiple formats: on-line; group instruction; just-in-time problem solving.      
4.2 All staff have training in how to present the lessons that they are responsible for.  It is assumed that at first many will need significant assistance in the presentation of the lessons.      
5.0 Evaluation        
5.1 The students are evaluated at published, fixed times to establish if they have met the ICT curriculum standards.      
5.2 The results of the evaluations are made available to both students and parents.      
6.0 District-wide        
6.1 Procedures are in place to ensure that all schools are participating in the ICT program.      
6.2 There is sufficient communication to allow sharing of materials between schools and the expectation is that as something is found to work, that it will be implemented in other schools without the necessity of re-invention.      
6.3 Tasks that can be done once for all of the schools are not needlessly repeated at each of the individual schools.  Eg.  Computer image creation, software and hardware ordering decisions, training material creation.