Further background discussion and strategies for staff accounts

As the use of computers in the school continues (and increases), people’s (students and staff) accounts tend to get larger and larger with accumulation of files. While we are not in a crisis position right now, it is time to be proactive rather than to wait for the crisis.

Storage quotas have been set on both student and staff accounts for quite some time, but they have been ‘soft’ quotas, meaning that you can go over with no consequences. After vacation (and suitable warnings) we will be changing them to ‘hard’ quotas, meaning that if your account is full, you won’t be able to save there anymore. In the process of converting, no data should be lost at all, but people may find that they cannot save anymore.

Currently quotas are set at 0.5 gigabytes for students and 2.0 gigs for staff. I will increase the staff quota to 3.0 gigs, but will not be changing the students. Most staff will find that 3 gigs is plenty. I doubt that you will notice the changes unless you routinely save movies and/or music. (recognizing that both may be used for your classes.)

If you need larger quantities of storage space than 3 gigs, we can set up local storage on your individual computer, but it will not ‘follow’ you around the school to different computers.

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