Using the VPN

Once connected to your VPN, there are several tasks that you might do. (To set up a VPN, check with someone such as your Tech Coordinator)

Currently, the biggest use for a VPN is for teachers to access Zangle! and their grades from home. You also need it to edit your SiteBuilder Pages. People who do IEPs need it for access to them. I would use a flash drive for moving files back and forth rather than VPN. I'd use the VPN for Zangle, SiteBuilder access and emergency file transfer and little else. (although as a Tech Coordinator, I use it to access computers at school for other functions. If I did IEPs, I would use it for that.))

What is a VPN?

A VPN (or Virtual Private Network) is a connection from your computer in the 'outside world' (ie. your home) to a network where security would otherwise not allow your connection. It allows you to work at home, or while travelling, on your computer connected to the resources that you normally see at school. It can be set up on both Macintosh and Windows computers.

How do you get one / install one?

If I'm told that it's installed, how do I use it?

Many of the laptops now have the 'Cisco Client' installed and configured already on your computer. If that is the case, you are ready to connect, but you still must connect each time that you want to use it.

You should now be able to access sites within the district firewall, including the Zangle log-in page and you should be able to connect to the school server (instructions for macs) and access your files there.

How do you do things with it, once it is set up?

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