Bouncing e-mail

Sometimes, when you send out e-mail to someone outside of the district, you get a message that says something like "ASD was not able to deliver this e-mail. It will continue to try for two more days"

In general, this means that the ASD system is working - the e-mail has been created and it is being sent 'out to the internet'. But it is then not getting delivered. There are several things that might cause this:

1) Your recipient's mailbox is full. Many e-mail providers limit the amount of mail that can sit there, waiting to be read. If the mailbox is full, incoming mail will be rejected. Depending on the service, one movie clip and a couple of full size pictures can fill up an e-mail box. In this case, it will not work until the recipient clears mail out of the inbox.

2) More problematic is when the recipient's service refuses to accept the e-mail because the sender has been black-listed. The school district connects to the interent through GCI, a very large Internet Service Provider in Alaska. If some other client in the GCI world (one hacker that has taken over a GCI account) is mis-using the account to pump out millions of spam e-mails, other service provides may automatically block all e-mail from anyone using GCI (black-listing the IP addresses). This may be a temporary block or it may be permanent until someone asks to have it lifted.

So - if you suspect the second problem, you or your recipient needs to contact their service provider and ask them to have the block lifted. (Sometimes they have an automatic site to report things like this. Other times, you might need to contact them by e-mail. Look on the main web page of the service provider). You will need to supply them with information as to what needs to be unblocked. ASD e-mail comes from the domain and the ip address of xx.xx.xx.xx. (so what should go here?)

Note that this might also be a problem for mail sent from your personal account at home, if it is a GCI account. And even if you use webmail to use a non-GCI account while you are at school, it still goes out under the GCI address.

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