To Change your ASD Password

It is a good idea to change your password every once in awhile. Especially if it is still the default password!


If you log into a Dell computer, after you are connected, press Ctrl-Alt-Delete and a dialog box will open up. Select Change Password, type in your old and new passwords, and click OK. When you are back to the 6 choices, click Cancel to return to the main desktop. This will change the district password, even for people who normally use a Macintosh.


A second method is to log into your district WebMail account, using your favorite browser on your favorite computer. Click on the Options button in the upper right. Then click on the Change Password selection which shows up on the left. After you enter your passwords, click SAVE at the top of the window!

Note that this does NOT change your password that you use for your FTP account. (Most people only see this when they use Fetch or CoreFTP to post grades.

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