ASD Junk Mail Filter

ASD has implemented a commercial junk mail filter. It is powerful and good, but not perfect. With the district receiving something like a million e-mails a day, 96%+ of them junk mail, a few will get through. But with it properly implemented, only an extremely low number of legitimate e-mails should go into the Quarantine folder.

If you are getting mail into your junk mail folder, it's because 'your' filter is on. If you are getting a Quarantine Report once a day about 5:00 pm, the 'district' filter is on. You want the latter.

What you should do:

It is counter-intuitive, but for the district filter to work properly, you need turn your own junk mail filter off, in either Entourage (Macintosh) or Outlook (Dells). The district has posted instructions. Both are given on the same document, scroll down to find Outlook.

ASD Instructions to disable Junk Mail Filter

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