Easy Grade Pro Quirks to Be Aware of


1)  If you pass out an empty grade file for people to start with, it will have the import / export templates and various settings already.  You might check Edit / Class Options / Calendar, as well as the Import and Export templates.


2)  Teachers should include student ID numbers from the very start.  If you do an import at a later time, the import will update student records, only changing / adding what is in the import file.  Grades and textbook information is not touched.


**Important**  3)  Blank spots in your gradebook.  Many of us are used to just leaving a cell blank when an assignment is missing.  The publishers of EZG Pro have decided to set it so that a blank cell is the same as the assignment not existing.  (The idea is that you can set up assignments ahead of time and not have them count.)  If you want the assignment to count against the student, you need to change the grade to missing or 0.  Type in the letter ‘m’ and ‘mi’ will pop up in the cell and it will count as 0 points


4)  If you need to correct many ‘blanks’ to ‘missing’, you should use the magic ‘Change Scores’ tool.  It probably doesn’t show up in your toolbar.  Click the mouse and hold it down for a few seconds in the blank spot just to the right of your tools.  Select Change Scores, the red arrow.  Now when you click on it, the default option is to change all of your blank scores to missing.


5)  Extra Credit.  To make an assignment extra credit, either when setting up the assignment or by double-clicking on an existing assignment, set the Special Status to Extra Credit.  No values should be shown for Max Score or Points.  If you weight categories, make sure that it is in the correct category.


6) Printing progress reports for students with D's and F's. It is very easy to set up filters to sort your students in almost any way imaginable. Unfortunately, you cannot apply them to Reports. You can print reports for a whole class, or pick and choose by clicking on students that you want. (Ctrl Click will get multiple students) I checked with the company and they were very apologetic that the option is not available. They hope to complete it soon and have it available as a free upgrade on their website.


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