To upload grades for parental (and student) viewing (EGP 4.0)

  (tasks_every Week – Windows (Dell) (ver 2.1))

1)  Create a web report

Erase all the contents of your postedgrades folder (or erase the folder and create a new one.)  (if you do not do this, you will build up 1000’s of files over the semester.)

In EasyGrade Pro, click on the internet button, @.

For Action: select Create Website Reports [Do NOT choose Create HTML Reports]

For: select All classes in 1st Term

Click on the Options tab and modify any of the settings that you wish.

Watch the Preview on the right and make sure that you have what you want.

Click Create and then click past the warning box that shows up.

Navigate to your postedgrades folder.  It is suggested that you keep this in your documents folder.  [keep the file name as index.html]

Click Save.  Watch your 100 plus students scroll by…

You are done with your Easy Grade Pro file.

2)  Transfer the web report from your computer to your page on the district’s server.

[when you first launch CoreFTP (available free from, it will ask if you wish to make it your default ftp client.  You can click Cancel (though no harm is done if you do otherwise.)

Site name: ASD SiteBuilder (or whatever…)

Host / IP / URL :

Username:  lastname_firstname

Password: password

Important:  select  don’t save password unless you have good security!]


Launch CoreFTP  (it should be in the utilities folder if it has been installed)

Enter your password and click Connect

If you connect successfully, you should see your asdk12 site show up in the Remote Site on the right hand side with a couple of cryptic folders named with . or .. and maybe your postedgrades folder.

Delete the postedgrades folder found on the right side.  Right click on the folder and select Delete / Yes.

Navigate to your postedgrades folder on the left side (if it is in the same place as last time, it should show up automatically; otherwise click on the button to the far left of the C: directory (the Directory Tree)  This allows you to pick My Documents folder or with E:, F:, etc., you can pick a flash drive.

Select the postedgrades folder and click on the right arrow button (Upload) to move it to your remote site.  Wait for the folders to copy over. (this could take several minutes)  The red stop sign icon will disappear and it will say ‘no transfers’ at the bottom when it is done.

Exit out of the program. 


If you wish, post an assignment on your SiteBuilder page saying that you have posted current grades.  Any person who has signed up for a MyASD page will get an automatic notification.  (this is optional)


You are done.     Back to index