Make a link from your home page to your grade folder


In SiteBuilder, you need to edit your home page so that there is a link to the folder that will hold the grades on your site.  Once these steps are done correctly, you will never need to do them again.

1)  Enter the Site Builder application

From the ASD web page, click on the District Connection in the lower left corner.  Log in with your userid and password.  Select Site Builder from the list of applications in the upper right corner.

2)  Set up the ftp option in your Site Builder.

Click on the Add an FTP account link in the text on the lower left side of your Site Builder account.  Note that the password is set to the same as your e-mail account, but it DOES NOT CHANGE when you change your e-mail password.  If this option does not show up, it means that you have done this already at some point in time.  You do not need to do it again.  [If you created this some time in the distant past and your e-mail password does not work when you attempt to use it, try old passwords and/or call the help desk to have your password re-set.] 

3)  Create a link to your grade folder in Site Builder.

In your Site Builder account, select Home Page and scroll down to Welcome Message.  Type / edit your message to whatever you want and include the following line within it.  (Type very carefully - or copy and paste from this page.)  Replace the ‘Link to Posted Grades’ with whatever phrase you would like to have show up.  [This line is also on my district home page.  While in Site Builder, from the File Menu, select New / Window, click the Back button a few times to go back to the district page, select High / South Anchorage / Tryon, Peter, highlight the text, copy, from the Window menu select Update Your Page, scroll down and paste in the text (and erase the two parentheses.)] [if you are having trouble with all of your text running together, you can add blank lines by entering <br> as many times as you wish.]

<A href=""> Your custom text</A>  

Scroll down and click Update Home Page at bottom. 

You are done and can close this window.  If you wish to check it first, click on Site Builder in the column to the left, then click on the link to your page shown near the top of the window.  The link should show up, but it will not be active until you post your grades. 

You can use <p> before and after your link to add blank lines to separate it from the rest of your text.

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