Health Issues and Computers

I am not a health professional, but over the years I have come across a couple of health issues with working with computers. (And I started giving this lecture when ergonomics wasn't listed in my dictionary.) All of the links shown here, actually refer to one large umbrella site, based at UCLA. It is clear that they have addressed ergonomic safety of the workplace in a serious manner.

Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI) - most everyone who has worked with computers any length of time has faced this at one level or another. Back when I gave lectures to classes and had quizzes on them, the short answer of what to do was:

Headaches and Eyestrain - What I put in my notes years back was " This is hard to quantify, but if you spend 8 hours a day, every day, looking at a screen, I think it is likely that you will have headaches. Take a break!!"

More from UCLA

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